Do you have trouble sleeping? Usually I don’t have much problem falling asleep because I’m physically exhausted from the activities of the day! Sometimes I do have trouble, or I wake up in the middle of the night and find it hard to get back to sleep.

In my experience there are two main reasons why a person has trouble falling asleep at night.

1: You are too much in your intellect.

Ever have trouble quieting your busy mind? I think we’ve all been there. The thoughts run through your mind obsessively, or you are thinking about all the things you need to do.

The brain needs rest at night. If you have the habit of being in your mind a lot during the day, this is not going to slow down when you try to go to sleep. The solution is to balance this by tuning in to your feeling/intuitive nature. If you notice your mind is running away with you, try some tools to relax you and get you into your feelings.

You could:

a. Use the Spiritual Cleansing Technique
b. Visualize positive experiences and goals you want to manifest.
c. Take deep breaths and relax your entire body.
d. Ask your angels to come close to you and help you relax. You will feel their healing vibration.

Every time you notice you are back in your thoughts again, just go back to these tools to get you back to your feelings. You’ll relax and fall asleep.

2. You are not regrouped.

The second main reason you may have trouble falling asleep at night is that you are not regrouped from the day. What does this mean?  It means that you have had experiences during the day that you have not fully integrated or processed. Spiritually, we need a chance to review what we have experienced so we can be aware of what we have learned and how we grew from what we are involved in. We need to see the spiritual lessons in every opportunity.

If you feel antsy, frustrated or out-of-sorts, this is a clue that you are not regrouped. It’s a feeling of holding energy with you that needs to be released.

In that situation, here’s what you can do:

a. Use the Spiritual Cleansing Technique. (It always helps!)
b. Pull out your journal and write down what you experienced that day and what you learned from it.
c. Review what you could have unresolved feelings about in your life. Meditate with your angels on what the solution is for you.

What about if you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep?

Well sometimes it is one of the above. But there is also a third scenario:

3. Your angels are waking you up to tell you something!

When I wake up on my own (as opposed to my son or some other noise waking me up) and I can’t get back to sleep this is a clue that it was actually my angels waking me up.

Sometimes your angels will wake you in the night because they know that is a time when they have your undivided attention. It is quiet in the house with no distractions. They have something to tell you during this quiet time of day that you are too busy to hear during the day.

When this happens, I get up and go into another room with my journal. I cleanse and ask my angels what they have to share with me. I meditate and write down the thoughts and impressions that come in to my mind. Often the insights that come through are ideas and solutions that I have never thought of before. They are helping me to see a different perspective on something that is going on in my life, or giving me a new idea. It takes me 5-10 minutes to scribble it all down. Once it is down on paper, I will have a sense of relief. The energy shifts. Then I can turn the light off and go right to sleep.

I have learned the hard way that if I don’t write down the ideas, I will just keep thinking and thinking about them. As soon as they are on paper, my guidance knows I have got the message and I can go back to sleep. I always make sure to review what I wrote in the morning.

Hope these tips help you to get a great night’s sleep tonight!