Today, I’m going to share with you some questions that I ask my personal team of angels that have been very effective for me. Give them a try and see if they work for you too.  Once you learn some tools and techniques to establish a direct communication with your angels, you might be wondering, “OK, now what?” What kind of questions can I ask my angels?

You may be concerned about getting it right, and that’s understandable. First of all, realize there’s no such thing as right and wrong, even though society tries to teach you that this is the case! You can’t get it wrong when working with your angels, you’ll just learn with experience the kinds of questions that are more effective for you.

1. Timing is everything! 

You’ve heard the saying, Timing is Everything. Yet, how do you really know when is the best time to do something, and when it’s best to wait?

It’s hard for us to discern the right timing for things down here on Planet Earth. But our angels are more detached and because they are not part of Planet Earth zone, they can see things that we can’t. They have a bird’s eye view on our life.

This means, that they can see the best timing for us to do things in order to reach our goals.
Have you ever had the feeling that no matter how hard you try to do something, you feel like you are hitting your head against a brick wall? You wonder, why is nothing working out the way I want it to!!? Well, this experience is the result of being at the right place at the wrong time, or the wrong place at the right time. Timing is everything.

So, the next time you are making plans, or have a decision to make, ask your angels for the best timing to take the action you desire. Some questions you could use are:

“Is it the right time to resign from my job this month?”  
“Would it be best to wait before resigning from my job?” 
“ When is the best time to resign from my job? February? March? April? Etc.” 

You might not know why your angels indicate a certain timing. But if you trust it, you will probably figure it out in hindsight!

2. Alignment with my life purpose. 
One area that gets people stuck is when they learn that there is no right or wrong answer to what is the best thing for them to do with their lives. You may have had a concept that your life purpose is one specific thing that you are “supposed” to do. Is that working for you? I thought not.

Instead of thinking of your life purpose as one correct path, think of it as a range or target. There’s a range of opportunities that are in alignment with your life purpose and then there’s some things that are outside of that range, and aren’t aligned with your life purpose.

So, when making decisions for your life, instead of asking your angels for what you “should” do, phrase the question this way: 

“Is this opportunity a high priority for fulfilling my life purpose?” Perhaps you get a no. In this case you could ask “Is this opportunity a medium priority for fulfilling my life purpose?” or “Is this opportunity a low priority for fulfilling my life purpose?”

If you got that an opportunity is a low priority for your life purpose, then it’s simply not worth your time and energy to get involved with it. It’s likely that you were only considering doing it because of someone else. Be willing to say “no” to opportunities that don’t fit for you, so you can make room in your life for the high priorities.

If you only fill your life with the things that are a high priority for fulfilling your life purpose, you are going to be much happier and more fulfilled! Give it a try.

3. What is spiritually and materially in my best interests.
Another question that can help you make clear decisions is to ask your guidance “Is this opportunity materially in my best interests?” and “Is this opportunity spiritually in my best interests?”
It’s important to keep in mind that your angels will never tell you what to do or impose on your free will. But they will give their suggestions based on the bigger picture they have of your life.

I’ll never forget an experience I had a couple of years ago when I had the desire to attend a spiritual retreat in Puerto Rico for 2 full weeks, instead of 1 week as I had done previously. It felt like a big stretch and I didn’t know if I could really afford it. I was feeling very indecisive, going back and forth on whether I should go for one week or two. So I decided to ask this question of my angels.

When I asked “Guidance, in your opinion, is it spiritually in my best interests to attend the Puerto Rico retreat for two weeks?” I got a yes answer. Then I asked “Guidance in your opinion, is it materially in my best interests to attend the Puerto Rico retreat for two weeks?” I actually got a no answer! It took me by surprise but it made sense. It was a larger financial investment than the funds I had available to me at the time.

What do you think I did in the end? It may surprise you, but I attended the retreat for two weeks. My angels had strongly indicated that attending would be very beneficial for my spiritual growth at that time, and that is very important to me. I didn’t want to miss out on that opportunity. So I took the leap and everything worked out just fine in the end. Remember, YOU are the one that makes the decisions, you are just gathering more information, facts and a big picture understanding from your angels who can see things that we can’t.

What questions work for you? I would love to hear if you have tips on this and to hear what you learned from this article! Please comment below.