Course 590

Saturday June 21st, 2pm-5pm
Residence Inn Fair Lakes
12815 Fair Lakes Parkway, Fairfax, VA
Investment $45

Master Your Psychic Abilities

When you can MASTER and TRUST your psychic abilities, it gives you the advantage of mastery and insight into your own life. You’ll pick up insights, ideas and clear direction for yourself and others. Plus, you’ll be able to share this wisdom and insights with your friends, family and clients.

Your four psychic gifts of Intuition, Vision, Prophecy and Feeling are like a radar system that you can use to discern feelings, ideas and truth for your own life. Imagine feeling 100% secure in the knowledge that you can always pick up the right answers and make the best decisions for your life based on your intuition. Your psychic ability always guides you in the right direction if you know how to tap into it. Now, it’s time to develop it and trust it.

Using your Psychic ability is EXPERIENTIAL. You can’t really develop it much by reading a book or a website. You need to get involved and practice new tools with people and EXPERIENCE what it is like to use your four psychic gifts.

That’s what you’ll experience in this fun Expanding your Psychic Potential Workshop.

You’ll experience all four of the psychic gifts.

  • Relax your VISION to see an aura and pick up insights through your Visionary gift.
  • Use your INTUITION to pick up keywords and impressions about people, places and things.
  • Discover your gift of Psychometry by touching objects and picking up on the energy vibration that you feel and touch with your gift of FEELING
  • Get glimpses of what is coming in your future through the gift of PROPHECY. Receive dreams and premonitions.
  • Improve your awareness and TRUST in all four of your psychic abilities so you can use them anywhere, anytime to master your life.

You can sign up for this workshop on-line, or call 540 854 4841 or email us using the form below to reserve your spot. Bring your friends along and share this experience with them!

We hope you’ll join us for this expansive event!Register button