The universe and your personal team of helpers/angels are wanting to assist you in creating your heart’s desires and fulfilling your life’s purpose. They are always working in your favor.

Sometimes this can be hard to believe. It seems like life is full of challenges, disappointment and heartache. You may wonder why you can never seem to move forward or reach your goals. You may feel stuck and not see any way out of your current situation.

No matter how bad your circumstances seem, there is a way out. There is a positive solution. Today I’m sharing with you some keys to help you move forward to where you desire to be.

1. Learn to RECEIVE the good.

Do you have money problems? Do you know that money problems are never about money? They are about your problem with RECEIVING.

The universe is ready to shower you with gifts, abundance, love – whatever it is that you desire and require! So why does your life not look like that already?

Here’s what happens with most people. When we are little kids we learn that we are not good enough. We are born as bright lights. We are proud of who we are and let that brilliant light shine. Slowly but surely this light is dimmed. It happens in small ways. Perhaps you were told that your spirit guide playmates you talked to every day were “imaginary” and “not real”. So you started to think you were wrong when you talked to your angels.

Perhaps you were told not to interrupt or that children should be seen and not heard. Perhaps you felt the anger, frustration or depression of the people who raised you and thought it was yours. In small and cumulative ways you diminished your light and started to believe that you were lesser than and dislike yourself.

Francisco Coll sums it up well in the Man & the Universe book, “You are taught you are not brilliant, you are are a little worm”.

When you dim down your brilliance, you cut off your receiving. Have you ever noticed that little kids are always proud of themselves? How they always want to show you their special artwork, or their latest trick?

How about you? Do you brag about your achievements and share your accomplishments proudly to the world? I’m guessing not.

We are so afraid of being judged or rejected that we keep it all to ourselves. We don’t share our accomplishments or ask for help. In this way you cut off your receiving.

If you want to receive something, you need to ask for it. Be willing to ask the universe for what you desire. Do it often! And be willing to ask the people around you for what you desire and require.

I have a friend who just had a baby. People have been offering to help her. Instead of saying “no I’m fine” like she used to in the past, she has been learning to have the courage to say, “What I really need is diapers, wipes and formula.” And guess what. Because she is asking, she is receiving.

If you need more clients, have you been asking for the business? Have you called your previous clients to see if they need another session or to ask if they know someone who would like your services?

If the thought of asking brings up a lot of fear and resistance for you, then this is the first thing to address. It’s a clue that you have had trouble receiving.

2. Acknowledge what shows up.

In the Bible it says, “Ask, and you shall receive”.

Ask the universe every day for what you would like to show up in your life. But know that it will probably not look like you think it will look. So many people miss the opportunities that are staring them in the face because they have a fixed picture about what it will look like or how it will show up.

For the past few months I have been doing some work every morning to shift my money consciousness. I was asking the universe every morning & evening to bring in the cashflow for some very specific goals this summer, including travel and workshops I want to attend. I thought it would come in the form of more clients or sales of my online courses.

One day I got a facebook message from an old client saying something about a business opportunity that was opening up in New Zealand and since she knows I’m from there she was contacting me about it. I glanced at that email and then ignored it for 2 weeks.

One day when I was back on facebook again, my eyes fell upon that email and it struck me. I have been asking the universe for opportunities to abundance and maybe it’s showing up in a way that I didn’t expect. So I read the email again and decided to take it seriously. I took the time to read over the information she had sent me.

Arbonne International was expanding into New Zealand, and it is a ground floor opportunity. I began to acknowledge that I had always considered doing a networking marketing opportunity because I love the business model and the potential for exponential growth. I had just never found the products and company that I could really stand behind.

It was the right thing at the right timing to expand my business into a new arena. I have learned so much already and am on track for my first promotion very quickly. I have already gotten 2 New Zealanders on my team to work with me!

The point of all this is not to tell you to do what I did, but to give you an example that it may look completely different than you expect.

It’s all about asking for what you desire, and then trusting that your intuition and your angels will guide you to being in the right place at the right time to receive what you’ve been asking for.

One of my friends in New Zealand that I contacted about the Arbonne opportunity was considering it, and then another opportunity landed in her path. She said she would not have been receptive to the other business opportunity had I not planted the seed by inviting her to look at Arbonne. Perfect! She is now in the right place at the right time for her.

It’s not about having things turn out the way you think they will. Let go of expectations and TRUST!

Pay more attention to the signs and the opportunities that cross your path. Don’t dismiss things automatically with all of your excuses. Consider if this is what you have been asking for.

3. Maintain a positive energy.

Do you have more ups than downs in life, or more downs than ups? We all get hit with pressure at times. We all have little blocks that get stimulated by the environment. The trick is to regroup yourself quickly and not stay in the negativity.

If you are asking the universe for a big goal and big changes in your life, it may feel scary at times. Doubts, fears and worries might creep in. Don’t stay in the doubts and fears! Don’t resist them, just allow those thoughts and feelings to flow through you – and flow out again!

Remind yourself that it is NOT the Real You. The Real You is an infinite being with infinite power. The Real you is the good, kind, loving, sharing, fearless part of you.

The more time you dwell on limiting thoughts or emotions, the more you slow down your receiving from the universe. The Universe will still give you what you are asking for, but you are just slowing down the process. So learn tools such as the spiritual cleansing technique to shift your vibration quickly and get back into balance!